Your financial gifts help us continue to reach the world with the Gospel for generations to come.
Online Giving
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Check out this simple tutorial with easy step-by-step instructions.
Other Ways To Give
By Mail
Send a check or money order to:
Financial Department
White Horse Christian Center
1780 Cumberland Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906
By Phone
Call us at: 765.477.1111
We will direct you to our accounting department where your giving information is processed securely.

Next Generation Offering
We believe the Lord led us to present this giving opportunity. Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit if you are to give financially, and how much. We are asking you to help us, to join us so we can Maintain, Sustain, and Continue with all of us working together.
Food for Friends
Opportunities and strategies are available all around us to provide food and support for our friends in other nations. Partner with us as we provide Food for Friends!
Why should I sow into White Horse Christian Center?
The heart and mission of White Horse Christian Center is sharing – reaching the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We are many members, one body, working together to accomplish our goal (Romans 12:4-5). Over the years, we have opened our doors as a hospitality center to countless thousands and have endeavored to allow the river of God’s presence, healing, deliverance, and restoration to flow.
Your financial gifts help us continue to reach the world with the Gospel for generations to come. You are a sharer in this mission and a partner of a great harvest of blessings. Your gift is seed sown into good, productive soil (Mark 4). Thank you!
Where does my financial gift go?
With the online form, you may designate your giving as: tithes and offerings, missions, and/or building fund. We encourage you to give your tithe to the local church you attend.
White Horse Christian Center is an inter-denominational, not-for-profit corporation, and is tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your gifts are tax deductible and are used to fund the operations of the ministry.
All transactions are final. If a donation is made in error or you have any questions, please contact us at 765.477.1111 and ask for the Financial Department.