Food For Friends
The international crisis of COVID-19 has brought numerous additional problems throughout the nations resulting in increased poverty and death, among other issues due to a lack of food and work. Entire communities are starving to death in some cases. We may not be able to board an airplane, take a mission trip to minister to nations, or physically feed people. Instead of looking at what we can’t do, let’s look at what we can do. Opportunities and strategies are available all around us to provide food and support for our friends in other nations. What can you do to support those who are starving?
Throughout the years, White Horse Christian Center has entered into divine relationships with a variety of different ministries. By God’s grace and hand, we are in relationship with apostles and missionaries in every nation. During this COVID-19 crisis, many churches in other nations, that we know and trust, have reported that people are starving in their churches and communities. When the situation first arose, banks were closed, people were unable to wire money, and missionaries could not leave their homes to feed people. These churches are experiencing a lot of challenges. People are dying from starvation more than from COVID-19. These nations have laws that allow Christians to be arrested, persecuted, and killed. Pressure is on the church, but we believe God is a God of miracles!
We believe that God is giving the church unique strategies to serve and help others. We have a responsibility to help our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the nations. It has been prophesied over and over that we are a strategic command center. During this season of crisis, we have been blessed financially. Because of that, we want to clothe ourselves in humility and be a blessing to others. (Colossians 3:12)
Last year, we helped sow $50,000 into one nation. Due to this gift, people were saved, and churches were planted. We are continuing to send more funds as God provides. The Body of Christ has faced many difficulties and challenges in this season, but when it is over, we will be known as those who feed friends in need.
If you wish to contribute to Food for Friends, there are a few options.
You may contribute on our online giving portal. Under the “fund” section please select “Food for Friends.”
When giving your offering in-person, please write “Food for Friends” in the “missions” section of the blue slip in your envelope (Please DO NOT write your check out to Food for Friends or write it in the memo line of the check.)
Call the office at 765.477.1111 and we will help you process your gift over the phone.
Mail your gift to: 1780 Cumberland Ave, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906.
We hope you join us in this opportunity to feed friends around the world!