History & Vision
Our Motto
A local church with a global view.
The Vision of WHCC
It is our desire as members of the body of Christ and the local fellowship, White Horse Christian Center, to have a strong healthy church that meets the needs of those who come, and to equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry. The Vision Statement of the church comes from three scriptures, encompassing the Great Commandment and the Great Commission: John 13:35; Mark 12:30-33; Mark 16:15.
Our Vision Statement
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and love all people as Jesus loved us so the world will know we are His disciples as we go tell all people groups the good news about Jesus.
Brief Church History
Pastor Jeff Johns began pastoring White Horse Christian Center in 1983 (then called Tippecanoe Christian Center) – an interdenominational, multi-ethnic church. White Horse Christian Center is a revival celebration center, promoting unity through diversity by growing a strong, healthy church family and equipping the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.
The Mission of the church is the Great Commission (Mark 16:15): Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. WHCC is accomplishing this through ministry outreaches and short term mission trips throughout the year; White Horse School of Ministries, an accredited Bible college; and hosting six conferences per year that gather people from all over the United States, Canada, and the world for encouragement and building relationships in the body of Christ. WHCC charges no registration fees for these conferences and serves hundreds of free meals to those who attend.
Over the years, the church has outgrown several facilities, and in the fall of 2003, purchased and took up residence in the former Cumberland Place Exhibition Center in West Lafayette. This facility has over 25,000 square feet on the main floor with a sanctuary seating up to 1000, and a Fellowship Hall with seating for approx. 400. The East 3rd Youth Recreation Center is equipped with 3-on-3 basketball court, badminton, corn hole. The East 3rd is used by the church middle/high school youth and young adults. Upstairs the church offers classes for all ages on Sundays. Additional space is also provided for executive and ministerial offices, classrooms, White Horse School of Ministries, and a commercial kitchen.
Flags of every nation hang in the sanctuary, representative of the church’s vision for the nations of the world. Hundreds of short-term mission teams have been sent out from WHCC over the years. Each year the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of the church sponsors various events celebrating the international and diverse cultural community in which we live.
About Our Name
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. Revelation 19:11
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again!
Every prophecy about Jesus came to pass except the ones related to His second coming. The Messiah has come once, and He is coming back again!
The name of our church, White Horse Christian Center, is related to that prophetic event. We believe it, we expect it, and when He returns, we purpose to be full of faith.
The white horse that John the Revelator saw, referred to in Revelation 19:11, speaks of the Lord’s power, purity, holiness, authority, and more. And that’s what is to be in the church today. The Church today is to be prophetic – we are and we will be.
The foundation of prophetic ministry is to edify, comfort, and encourage (see 1 Corinthians 14:3). That’s why Paul said it is the greatest of all gifts – “desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy” (1 Cor. 14:1). We want to see people built up in the Lord, encouraged in their faith, and comforted by the Holy Spirit because that’s the loving heart of the Heavenly Father. It is selfless, caring more about others than it does itself.