Missions Week:
In addition to the Men’s Meeting on May 20 and A Heart for Missions on May 21, Ted Olbrich will share during our mid-week service on Wednesday, May 18 at 7:00 PM, and on Sunday, May 22 at our 8:30 & 10:00 AM services!
Men’s Meeting:
Men’s Meeting, May 20 at 7:00 PM. All men are encouraged to join us as Ted Olbrich will be sharing from his years of ministry to the people of Cambodia. Invite a friend or neighbor who could use encouragement and fellowship!
A Heart for Missions:
A Heart for Missions, May 21 from 10-11:30 AM in the East 3rd for young adults (18-40) who have a heart for missions. An informal time of Q&A with Ted Olbrich, Founder and Director of FCOP International in Cambodia since 1999. FCOP operates and oversees thousands of churches and orphanages throughout that nation. A flyer with more information is on the table in the lobby.
Helmet Sunday:
Bring your motorcycle, bicycle, or other types of helmets to service with you on Sunday, May 22 so that we can pray over them and for your safety! There will be a check-in station to put your name on your helmet(s) and then place them on the altar steps for prayer.
Equipped for Life Class:
May 22 at 9:00 AM in the East 3rd for anyone 18-40 years old. Facing daily challenges with wisdom from the Word. In addition to the weekly classes for children 3 years old through 5th-grade, we will also have a class for your 1 & 2-year-olds once a month while you attend this class. Future dates are on the 4th Sunday of each month, except in June when it will be on June 19. Mark your calendars!
Membership Class:
We will have a Membership Class on Sunday, May 22 at 4:30 PM for those interested in becoming a part of the WHCC church family or who would like to learn more about the church. If you have been attending WHCC for some time and have never officially become a member, this is for you! If you have grown up at WHCC and are now an adult, we also encourage you to come to this class. We will introduce new church family members on June 5 during the 10:00 AM service.
School’s Out Parties:
School’s Out Parties for Youth (Middle & High School) during class on Wednesday, May 25, and Sunday, May 29.
Memorial Day:
The WHCC Church offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day. There will be no Prayer this Monday night.
BE Ready! Preparedness Classes:
BE informed about emergencies that may affect your family.
BE proactive about developing an emergency plan.
BE sure of what to do for specific hazardous situations.
BE aware of what tools and supplies are wise to purchase - and how to use them.
BE wise by planning ahead.
BE here on June 1 for the 7:00 PM class.
BE a friend - invite others to come!
BE ready classes will inform and instruct you on how to be prepared for natural events such as snowstorms, floods, power outages, etc. Pastor Jeff will cover many practical topics and there will be opportunities for asking questions. If you missed one of the first 2 classes, they are available to watch under sermon archives at, Facebook & YouTube. All handouts and links are available as free resources to download in our online bookstore at
Inflatable Stories:
June 4 at 6:00 PM. Blown up stories sharing life’s biggest truths. Free family fun for all ages! More information at
Financial Report & Prayer:
Financial Report & Prayer, June 6 at 7:00 PM for WHCC local church family. No Online Prayer this Monday night.
Youth Ignition:
For Middle & High School, June 7-9 from 3:00-9:00 PM. Mark your calendars!
Young Adult Activity:
Hiking at Turkey Run for anyone 18-29 years old (weather permitting), June 18. Meet at the church at 9:00 AM to ride together and return around 4:00 PM. Bring a sack lunch. Sign up in service or online.
Children’s Classes:
We have classes on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 AM, for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Children are asked to be checked in to class no later than 9:15 AM or remain in service with their parents. Please take your child to the restroom or change their diaper immediately before drop off.
Once a month, during the Equipped for Life Class, there will also be a class for 1 & 2-year-olds from 9:00-9:45 AM.
As we are re-opening ministry in this area, - and others - we need volunteers in EVERY department. Please see Joy Burton or call the church office to let us know where you would like to get plugged in to serve.
From the Father’s Heart:
Watch Pastor Jeff’s message to leaders from March 31, as well as others, at under sermon archives.
In-Person Services:
Sunday Services:
8:30 AM – Everyone welcome!
10:00 AM - Everyone welcome!
6:00 PM - Bilingual service – Everyone welcome!
Monday Night Prayer at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!
Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!
Youth (Middle & High School) meet after worship during the Sunday 6:00 PM Service and the Wednesday Service at 7:00 PM.
Weekly Online Services:
Sunday at 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM
Monday Night Prayer at 7:00 PM
Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM
Thursday Spanish Speaking Service at 7:00 PM