Prayer & Fasting:
Sign up online or in service for daily prayer and fasting.
Youth Scavenger Hunt:
Youth (7th-12th grade) Scavenger Hunt, April 27 from 2:00-4:00 PM.
Equipped for Life Class:
Equipped for Life Class, April 28 at 9:00 AM in the East 3rd for anyone 18-40 years old. There are classes for children 1-year-old through 6th grade and youth Bible study for 7th-12th grade, while you attend this class.
Carrier Prayer:
Carrier Prayer, May 3 at 10:00 AM. The Lord is calling us to another level of impartation in this hour. Just as Anna worshipped, interceded, and prayed until He came, so will we! Even Elizabeth had to carry and birth what was to come for the next generation, to prepare the way. She was called to be a carrier. What are you carrying? What you have is needed for today to prepare the way for the next generations! Everyone is welcome.
46+ Breakfast:
46+ Breakfast, May 4 at 8:00 AM. Food and fellowship for those 46 years old and older. Please sign up online or in service.
Welcome Dinner & Membership Class:
Welcome Dinner, May 5 at 12:30 PM. If you are new to White Horse, the pastors would like to get to know you. Join us for an informal time of fellowship and a meal. Please sign up to help us prepare.
After the meal, you can choose if you want to stay for a membership class. The class is for those who are interested in becoming a part of the WHCC church family or who would like to know more about the church. We will introduce new church family members on May 12.
Communion, May 5 at all services.
K-2nd Grade Q&A:
K-2nd Grade Q&A with Pastor Jeff, May 12 at 9:00 AM.
Morning Prayer:
Morning Prayer, Tuesday, May 14 at 5:30 AM. Pastor Jeff will be sharing 10 minutes on a financial principle at the beginning of morning prayer.
Water Baptism, June 26, during our Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM. Mark your calendars and plan to be here if you would like to be baptized.
Classes for Children & Youth:
We have classes on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 AM, for children age 1 year old through 6th grade. Children are asked to be checked in to class no later than 9:15 AM or remain in service with their parents. Please take your child to the restroom or change their diaper immediately before dropping them off.
We need volunteers in EVERY department. Please see Joy Burton or call the church office to let us know where you would like to get plugged in to serve.
Youth (7th-12th Grade) meet after worship during the Wednesday Service at 7:00 PM. Youth Bible Study is on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Youth Room.
From the Father’s Heart:
Watch Pastor Jeff’s messages to leaders at under sermon archives.
In-Person Services:
Sunday Services:
8:30 AM – Everyone welcome!
10:00 AM - Everyone welcome!
6:00 PM - Holy Spirit Night - Everyone welcome!
Monday Night Prayer at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!
Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!
Weekly Online Services:
Sunday at 10:00 AM
Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM
Online Prayer Requests:
Submit your prayer requests online at