

Morning Prayer:

Morning Prayer, Tuesday, October 18 at 5:30 AM. Everyone welcome!

BE Ready! Preparedness Classes:

  • BE informed about emergencies that may affect your family.

  • BE proactive about developing an emergency plan.

  • BE sure of what to do for specific hazardous situations.

  • BE aware of what tools and supplies are wise to purchase - and how to use them.

  • BE wise by planning ahead.

  • BE here on October 19 & November 30 for the 7:00 PM classes.

  • BE a friend - invite others to come!

BE ready classes will inform and instruct you on how to be prepared for natural events such as snowstorms, floods, power outages, etc. Pastor Jeff will cover many practical topics and there will be opportunities for asking questions. If you missed any of the classes, they are available to watch under sermon archives at, and on Facebook & YouTube. All handouts and links are available as free resources to download in our online bookstore at

Men’s Meeting:

Men’s Meeting, October 21 at 7:00 PM. Plan to be here for fun and fellowship. Invite a friend.

Youth Activity:

Youth Activity to Exploration Acres, October 22 from 4:00-7:00 PM. Cost is $10. Drop off and pick up at the church. Parental consent is required. Bring a lawn chair.

Equipped for Life Class:

Equipped for Life Class, October 23 at 9:00 AM in the East 3rd for anyone 18-40 years old. Facing daily challenges with wisdom from the Word. In addition to the weekly classes for children 3 years old through 5th grade, we will also have a class for your 1 & 2-year-olds once a month while you attend this class. Future dates are on the 4th Sunday of each month. Mark your calendars!

Ladies’ Meeting:
Ladies’ Meeting, October 25 at 7:00 PM. Plan to be here for an evening of fun and fellowship! 

50+ Breakfast:

Food and fellowship time for those 50 years old and older on October 29 at 8:00 AM. Sign up online or in service to help us prepare.

Prophetic Gathering:

November 9-11, 2022. Pre-register at by October 16 to guarantee lunches and help us in planning.

Children’s Classes:

We have classes on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 AM, for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Children are asked to be checked in to class no later than 9:15 AM or remain in service with their parents. Please take your child to the restroom or change their diaper immediately before drop off.

Once a month, during the Equipped for Life Class, there will also be a class for 1 & 2-year-olds from 9:00-9:45 AM.

As we are re-opening ministry in this area, - and others - we need volunteers in EVERY department. Please see Joy Burton or call the church office to let us know where you would like to get plugged in to serve.

Youth (Middle & High School) meet after worship during the Wednesday Service at 7:00 PM. Youth Bible Study is on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the East 3rd beginning August 7.

From the Father’s Heart:

Watch Pastor Jeff’s message to leaders at under sermon archives.

In-Person Services:

Sunday Services:

  • 8:30 AM – Everyone welcome!

  • 10:00 AM - Everyone welcome!

  • 6:00 PM - Bilingual service – Everyone welcome!

Monday Night Prayer at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!

Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM – Everyone welcome!

Weekly Online Services:

  • Sunday at 10:00 AM

  • Wednesday Mid-Week Service at 7:00 PM



